Which of the following position is recommended for installing the smart ETH gateway?
After the Power Echo is installed, the default user name is admin. The password is changed upon the first login. If the password is forgotten, it can be retrieved and reset through project verification.
In the FusionModule800 grounding solution, each cabinet is connected to the ground bar of the data center.
The power system of a UPS2000-G-15K at a site is three-phase input and single-phase output. After installation, it is found that the mains and bypass inputs are three-phase, the output is single-phase, and the mains and bypass inputs share a power source. Which of the following statements are true about the UPS wiring mode?
For FusionModule2000, depending on different layout position, batteries can be deployed in the smart module or out of the smart module.
The optional temperature and humidity sensor for the UP55000 cannot be cascaded.
During filling refrigerant for NetCol5000-A, there is no need to put the refrigerant steel cylinder upside down on balance.