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CTFL-PT_D Questions and Answers

Question # 1

Choose the VALID description of the ramp-up concept.



Stage of reaching the stationary state.


Stage of finishing the test.


Stage of exit from a stationary state by increasing the number of concurrent users.


Technique in which the load on the system is increased to a certain value in the shortest possible time.

Question # 2

(REFER TO BASE SCENARIO 2): When you refer to Base Scenario 2. you are referring to the description and only the description, without any modification.

Question specific constraints: (specific constraints are not part of the Base Scenario and are specific to this question).

• Natalie should make a presentation to the business stakeholders In order to explain the performance test plan.


Which ONE of the following options contains information that should be included in Natalie's presentation to the business stakeholders?



A spike test shall be conducted in a test environment equivalent to the production environment. Passengers shall be removed from the production environment, disassociated and imported Into the test environment.


The cost of the spike test will be in line with the budget submitted by the cloud service provider. The test must take place in the planned timeframe and use the disassociation algorithm, that were previously agreed on.


A performance test will be conducted to verify the management applications capability to support simultaneous, i.e concurrent, request peaks. The objective of this test (spike test) is to check that the system will be able to support the operations.


A spike test shall be conducted in the performance test environment set up by the systems manager. Preparation includes installation from the clone of the virtual machine identified for this purpose.

Question # 3

Which elements are the MOST important parts of a performance testing environment?

1.Test scripts.

2.Software configuration.

3.Test data.

4.The type of environment (physical, cloud-based, virtualized).

5.Hardware configuration.


D. II, V are the most important parts of the test environment.


III,V are the most important parts of the test environment.


II.IV are the most important parts of the test environment.


II.III. V are the most important parts of the test environment.

Question # 4

Which ONE of the following options represents a principle of performance testing?



The tests must be aligned with the defined expectations of different stakeholder groups, users In particular, system designers and operations staff


The tests can only be conducted, where resources allow, on complete systems and test environments that are representative of the production system.


The tests must be reproducible. Identical results must be obtained by repeating the tests on an unchanged system.


The tests must yield results that are both understandable and can be readily compared to the requirements desired by the technical team.

Question # 5

Select the option that identifies the possible causes of the degradation of a system's response over time during dynamic performance testing.

1.Disk fragmentation.

2.Network latency.

3.File repository growth.

4.Memory leaks.

5.Inadequate database design.



True options: I, III, IV.


True options: II, III, IV.


True options: II, III, V.


True options: I, II, IV.