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AgilePM-Practitioner Questions and Answers

Question # 6

Time is running short and the Must Have requirements for the data entry screen

of the web page, as recorded in the Prioritised Requirements List, are not going

to be completed on time.

What action should the Project Manager take?


Change the end date of the Timebox.


Ensure that this issue is escalated to the project level roles.


Amend the end date in the Delivery Plan.


Accept that the Must Have requirements will not be delivered on time.

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Question # 7

Which 2 statements represent appropriate entries for the Prioritised

Requirements List?


Creation of a new coffee shop insurance product on the existing website

is expected to increase the insurance company's revenues by up to 10%

per week.


All correspondence sent to coffee shop owners by the new system should

contain the XAN logo in the top left hand corner of the page.


Further website developments to allow existing customers to access

services online are NOT to be included within the scope of this project.


The Business Visionary will provide a formal acceptance of the coffee

shop insurance product.


An assessment will be made of the effectiveness of the techniques used

on the project, in line with the principles of Agile Project Management.

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Question # 8

Answer the following questions about the DSDM Lifecycle.

Decide if each observation is an appropriate application of Agile Project Management for

this project and select the option that supports your decision.

When the project was in the Feasibility phase it was initially proposed by the Finance

Manager that it was a fixed price for a fixed specification' project. The Project Manager

has decided that the best way to tackle it would be to leave the development of the least

valuable features of the product until last.

Is this an appropriate application of the DSDM lifecycle?


Yes, because the later parts of the project should reflect the least valuable features

of the product being built.


Yes, because in a DSDM project there is no detailed specification upfront.


No, because the Solution Development Team should decide which features are left

until last.


No, because the most valuable features of the project should be delivered last.

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Question # 9

The Marketing Director has insisted that detailed requirements for the new

coffee bar insurance web pages should be clearly defined in the early phases

of the project.

What action should the Project Manager take?


Refuse to discuss any detailed requirements in the early phases.


Agree to document the finite details of each requirement to ensure the

web developers can accurately estimate the effort required to fulfil them.


Hold an early discussion to the level of detail necessary to establish a

shared understanding of what is required.


Capture the Marketing Director's requirements in detail but leave the

input of others until later in the project.

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Question # 10

Column 1 is a list of individuals from within the Xan Insurance Company

and their key responsibility within the Web project.

For each individual in Column 1, select from Column 2 the Agile Project

Management team role they are fulfilling. Each selection from Column 2 can

be used once, more than once or not at all.

Column 1

Manager of Web & Digital

Media - will oversee and report

progress on the delivery of the

overall system.

Finance Director - has

budgetary control and will

release finance for the project

subject to expected benefits.

Sales Manager - will formulate

design options for new

business processes that do not

adversely affect business as


Operations Manager - oversees

the design and integrity of the

technical aspects of the


Column 2

    Business Sponsor

    Business Analyst

    Business Ambassador

    Business Advisor

    Solution Developer

    Technical Coordinator

    DSDM Coach

    Project Manager

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Question # 11

Several of the web developers working on the project have no Agile

experience. When answering the questions in the Project Approach

Questionnaire (PAQ), the Project Manager could not agree with the statement

'all members of the project understand and accept the DSDM approach'.

What action should the Project Manager take?


Replace the web developers with experienced Agile practitioners.


Agree with the statement in the PAQ and keep a close watch on the web

developers throughout the project.


Organize a training workshop to brief all project-level and Solution

Development Team roles in the Agile approach.


Accept that the web developers are experts in their field and will be

adopting their own approach throughout the project.

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Question # 12

Which 2 statements represent appropriate entries for the Development

Approach Definition?


The Sales Manager will introduce an awards or bonus scheme, designed

to create competition between the sales assistants.


Once deployed, the number of policies sold through traditional telephone

sales will be compared with the number of sales processed online

through the website.


An easy to use web development tool called 'WebMatrix' is to be used to

develop and maintain the website extension.


The Finance Director has requested a detailed report be produced after

12 weeks, showing costs to date and forecast cost to complete.


Accessibility and performance of the new online quotation area is to be

tested using a tool called Sitebeam.

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Question # 13

Resources are limited. The Sales Manager has two marketing assistants who

may be able to give a few hours a week between them to the project.

What action should the Project Manager take?


Try to secure formal agreement as to how many hours per week the

marketing assistants will spend on the project.


Accept that members of the Solution Development Team will be



Make each Timebox as long as possible to ensure the marketing

assistants have enough time to complete any work allocated to them

within the boundaries of the Timebox.


Schedule the two marketing assistants to work at different times so they

can hand matters over to one another.

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Question # 14

During Timebox B, the 'Hoy for Hoy Hall'Action Group disagreed about the planned outcome of the Timebox. The Project Manager organised a Facilitated Workshop to re-

engage this group and explore discrepancies in understanding.

Is this an appropriate application of Agile Project Management for this project?


Yes, because Facilitated Workshops provide a forum for each member of the team to present a short progress report.


Yes, because discussing requirements in the presence of other stakeholders increases the whole group's awareness.


No, because the Project Manager should have escalated this disagreement as an issue before any action was taken.


No, because the local Action Group should have attended the Daily Stand-up meetings.

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Question # 15

Using the Project Scenario answer the following question about the technical quality of the solution to be delivered. An assessment of the maintenance requirement for the new reservation system was made during Feasibility.

Column 1 describes a list of different types of hotel reservation systems considered. Column 2 lists the three DSDM maintainability objectives. For each description in Column 1, select from Column 2 the maintainability objective it would support.

Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.

Column 1:

1. Off-the-shelf software with ready-to-use templates that will need to be customised to fully

meet Hoy Hall requirements, after deployment.

2. Developing a fully functioning in-house system, developed and hosted by Architecture

Angels IT Operations team.

3. All-in-one web-based reservation and accommodation management system built to Hoy Hall's


4. All bookings for Hoy Hall to be scheduled by one of the other two hotels within the group,

until a suitable system can be implemented at the site.

5. A spreadsheet is used to capture customer details manually. Data will then be exported into a fully functional system at a later date.

Column 2

    Maintainability is a required attribute of the initial delivered solution

    Deliver first, re-engineer later

    Short-term, tactical solution

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Question # 16

Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following questions about applying

controls to the end of Development Timebox C.

What action should the Project Manager take when considering the End of Timebox Review?


Encourage the Marketing Director to attend the End of Timebox Review.


Attend the next Daily Stand-up to raise an issue about the windows.


Prepare a summary of progress against plan, for presentation at the review.


Ask the Team Leader to remove the windows from the Timebox Plan for Timebox C.

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Question # 17

The building has had all the old utility services removed and new wiring and plumbing is being installed during Evolutionary Development. On average there are

four electrical and six plumbing contractors who are engaged for between a few days and a few weeks. They are finding it difficult to work round each other and

to know who should be where. Some of the contractors have started to turn up late to the site.

Many floor boards have been lifted in preparation but it is not clear where the radiators are being situated or when each room is going to be worked on by the plumbers. The

Chief Accountant, acting as Business Ambassador, is also alarmed that the electrical sockets are being installed in rooms in inaccessible locations.

Answer the following questions about motivating the contractor teams according to Agile Project Management.

How should the Project Manager encourage the resources to operate more successfully?


Facilitate a workshop with the Solution Development Team to establish a co-ordinated Timebox Plan.


Hold a separate Daily Stand-up meeting for contractors only.


Provide a detailed plan of activity for each contractor team.


Schedule the electrical and plumbing teams so that they work on different Timeboxes.

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Question # 18

Once the change of priority has been approved, who is then responsible for including the requirement for a secondary exit from the upstairs of the building to the Timebox

Plan for Timebox B?


Marketing Director, in the role of Business Visionary.


Team Leader.


Project Manager and Architect, in the role of Technical Co-ordinator.


Architecture Angels' Senior Management Team.

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Question # 19

How should the Project Manager assist the plumbers to deliver the plumbing?


Split the entire Solution Development Team into smaller teams covering specific locations of the house.


Decide on the location of the radiators on behalf of Architecture Angels.


Establish an inter-team competition to see which team can complete first.


Approve each Timebox before work continues in the next.

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Question # 20

During Refinement in Timebox B, a Review Session was scheduled for the Business Visionary to review the products completed during this Timebox, and to agree what

needed to be done before these would be acceptable.

Is this an appropriate application of Agile Project Management for this project?


Yes, because this will enable the Solution Development Team to ensure they are on track to deliver a viable solution.


Yes, because this allows each team member working in the Timebox to provide a short progress report and raise any issues that hinder their progress.


No, because early and frequent visibility of the product features will maintain engagement with the stakeholders.


No, because only members of the Solution Development Team are permitted to attend Review Sessions.

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Question # 21

How should the Project Manager assist the electricians to deliver the wiring?


Provide separate electricians' rooms so they can focus on their work.


Hold a weekly meeting for electricians so they can report on progress.


Encourage the Business Ambassador to be available to discuss location of electrical sockets.


Produce a detailed design of all electrical socket locations, to be approved by the Technical Co-ordinator.

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Question # 22

Which 2 statements describe the appropriate application of Agile Project Management when developing the Prioritised Requirements List during Feasibility?


Details of which areas will require seeding in order to become lawn, and which are to become planted borders, should be captured.


The re-laying of the driveway and a landscaping solution should be listed as Must Have requirements.


The scope of the project should be agreed before moving into the Foundations phase.


The responsibility for setting the priority of each of the requirements identified should be assigned to the Project Manager.


Regulatory obligations associated with the redevelopment of Hoy Hall should be recorded as Must Have requirements.

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Question # 23

Answer the following question about how risks will be reduced on the Hoy Hall Hotel project through successful application of the DSDM Principles.

Column 1 lists a selection of project risks identified on the Hoy Hall Hotel project. Column 2 is a list of the DSDM Principles. For each risk in Column 1, select from Column

2 the DSDM Principle which, if applied appropriately, would MOST help to reduce or mitigate that risk.

Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.

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