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72301X Questions and Answers

Question # 1

A customer reports that remote worker users cannot see their feature buttons. Their Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) was recently damaged and replaced due to a lightning strike. After doing some troubleshooting, support was able to see that PPM was misconfigured in the SBCE.

Which tool was used, and which symptoms were visible that pointed to this issue?


List trace; PPM requests were going to Avaya Aura® Session Manager instead of the PPM server


traceSM; SIP requests were going to Avaya Aura® Session Manager instead of SBCE


traceHTTP; all HTTP requests were going to SBCE instead of Avaya Aura® Communication Manager


traceSBC with PPM debugging enabled; PPM requests were seen to be going to the Utility Server instead of Session Manager

Question # 2

Under which condition is a Business Partner/Avaya Tier 2 not required to escalate to Avaya Tier 3?


when the customer issue is not service affecting


when the Business Partner/Avaya Tier 2 have isolated issue and found a resolution


when the issue for the customer is intermittent


when the issue is a common one resolved through an upgrade

Question # 3

You are trying to connect to the Avaya Session Border Controller (SBC) using the SSH client. After several attempts you cannot do it and realize that it is because you are using the wrong port.

Which port should you use to connect to the SBC using an SSH client?











Question # 4

You need to make a traceSBC in order to find a SIP trunk issue.

After logging into the Session Border Controller (SBC) as user ipcs, in which two valid ways can you issue the traceSBC command? (Choose two.)


traceSBC -trunk


su sroot, then enter and finally enter traceSBC -now


su root, then enter <root password> and finally enter traceSBC


traceSBC -now


sudo traceSBC

Question # 5

After upgrading Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services (AES), the customer’s CTI application does not seem to be working.

Which two methods can be used to verify AES system status? (Choose two.)


Access the TSAPI web interface to monitor AES.


Access the AES command line, and run thestatus aesvcs cti-linkcommand.


Access the AES web console, and view the services status in the AES menu.


Access Communication Manager (SAT), and run thestatappcommand to view AES services status.


Using Communication Manager’s System Administration Terminal (SAT), run thestatus aesvcs ctilinkcommand to see the service state.