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The Oracle 1z0-1115-23 Exam, also known as the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2023 Multicloud Architect Associate Exam, evaluates an individual’s expertise in designing and implementing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) multicloud solutions. It covers a combination of cloud services to build a multicloud environment.
The Oracle 1z0-1115-23 Exam is ideal for IT professionals who want to demonstrate their expertise in designing and managing OCI multicloud deployments. It's particularly relevant for cloud architects, solutions architects, and cloud engineers.
The Oracle 1z0-1115-23 Exam covers a wide range of OCI multicloud concepts, including:
Cloud infrastructure foundation
Identity and security
Compute options
Storage and data management
Cost optimization
Migration and integration strategies
The Oracle 1z0-1115-23 exam consists of 30 multiple-choice questions.
The passing score for the Oracle 1z0-1115-23 exam is 65%
Here's a breakdown of the key difference between the 1z0-1115-23 and 1z0-1110-23 certification exams:
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