Using a web-based common vulnerability scoring system (CVSS) calculator, a security response team member performed an assessment on a reported vulnerability in the user authentication component of the company's now product. The base score of the vulnerability was 8.3 and changed to 9.4 after adjusting temporal and environmental metrics.
Which rating would CVSS assign this vulnerability?
Which secure coding best practice ensures sensitive information is not disclosed in any responses to users, authorized or unauthorized?
Which category classifies identified threats that have some defenses in place and expose the application to limited exploits?
The software security team prepared a report of necessary coding and architecture changes identified during the security assessment.
Which design and development deliverable did the team prepare?
Which architecture deliverable identifies the organization's tolerance to security issues and how the organization plans to react if a security issue occurs?
In which step of the PASTA threat modeling methodology will the team capture infrastructure, application, and software dependencies?
Automated security testing was performed by attempting to log in to the new product with a known username using a collection of passwords. Access was granted after a few hundred attempts.
How should existing security controls be adjusted to prevent this in the future?
Which privacy impact statement requirement type defines processes to keep personal information updated and accurate?
The organization has contracted with an outside firm to simulate an attack on the new software product and report findings and remediation recommendations.
Which activity of the Ship SDL phase is being performed?
Which type of security analysis is performed by reviewing source code line-by-line after other security analysis techniques have been executed?
The software security team prepared a detailed schedule napping security development lifecycle phases to the type of analysis they will execute.
Which design and development deliverable aid the team prepare?
Which security assessment deliverable defines measures that can be periodically reported to management?
The security team has received notice of an insecure direct object reference vulnerability in a third-party component library that could result in remote code execution. The component library was replaced and is no longer being used within the application.
How should the organization remediate this vulnerability?
A legacy application has been replaced by a new product that provides mobile capabilities to the company's customer base. The two products have run concurrently for the last three months to provide a fallback if the new product experienced a large-scale failure. The time has come to turn off access to the legacy application.
Which phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is being described?
While performing functional testing of the new product from a shared machine, a QA analyst closed their browser window but did not logout of the application. A different QA analyst accessed the application an hour later and was not prompted to login. They then noticed the previous analyst was still logged into the application.
How should existing security controls be adjusted to prevent this in the future?
Which step in the change management process includes modifying the source code?
Due to positive publicity from the release of the new software product, leadership has decided that it is in the best interests of the company to become ISO 27001 compliant. ISO 27001 is the leading international standard focused on information security.
Which security development life cycle deliverable is being described?
Which category classifies identified threats that have defenses in place and do not expose the application to exploits?
Which software-testing technique can be automated or semi-automated and provides invalid, unexpected, or random data to the inputs of a computer software program?
Which SDL security goal is defined as ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information?
Which secure coding best practice says to use well-vetted algorithms to ensure that the application uses random identifiers, that identifiers are appropriately restricted to the application, and that user processes are fully terminated on logout?
During penetration testing, an analyst was able to create hundreds of user accounts by executing a script that sent individual requests to the registration endpoint.
How should the organization remediate this vulnerability?
Developers have finished coding, and changes have been peer-reviewed. Features have been deployed to a pre-production environment so that analysts may verify that the product is working as expected.
Which phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is being described?
A product team, consisting of a Scrum Master, a Business Analyst, two Developers, and a Quality Assurance Tester, are on a video call with the Product Owner. The team is reviewing a list of work items to determine how many they feel can be added to their backlog and completed within the next two-week iteration.
Which Scrum ceremony is the team participating in?
Which category classifies identified threats that do not have defenses in place and expose the application to exploits?