How could a role in which all users must specify an index=clause in all searches be configured?
Which of the following server.conf stanzas indicates the Indexer Discovery feature has not been fully configured (restart pending) on the Master Node?
A working search head cluster has been set up and used for 6 months with just the native/local Splunk user authentication method. In order to integrate the search heads with an external Active Directory server using LDAP, which of the following statements represents the most appropriate method to deploy the configuration to the servers?
A customer would like Splunk to delete files after they’ve been ingested. The Universal Forwarder has read/ write access to the directory structure. Which input type would be most appropriate to use in order to ensure files are ingested and then deleted afterwards?
A customer is using both internal Splunk authentication and LDAP for user management.
If a username exists in both $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/passwd and LDAP, which of the following statements is accurate?
A customer wants to migrate from using Splunk local accounts to use Active Directory with LDAP for their Splunk user accounts instead. Which configuration files must be modified to connect to an Active Directory LDAP provider?