A technical architect is provided with the logic and Opportunity file shown below:
The opportunity status logic is as follows:
For the opportunity stages “Interest”, “Confirmed Interest” and “Registered”, the status should be “Open”.
For the opportunity stage “Closed”, the opportunity status should be closed
Otherwise, return null for the opportunity status
Given the above file and logic and assuming that the file is mapped in a GENERIC data stream type with the following mapping:
“Day” — Standard “Day” field
“Opportunity Key” > Main Generic Entity Key
“Opportunity Stage” — Main Generic Entity Attribute
“Opportunity Count” — Generic Custom Metric
A pivot table was created to present the count of opportunities in each stage. The pivot table is filtered on Jan 11th. What is the number of opportunities in the Interest stage?
A client created a new KPI: CPS (Cost per Sign-up).
The new KIP is mapped within the data stream mapping, and is populated with the following logic: (Media Cost) / Sign-ups)
As can be seen in the table below, CPS was created twice and was set with two different aggregations:
From looking at the table, what are the aggregation settings for each one of the newly created KPIs?
Your client would like to create a new harmonization field - Exam Topic.
The below table represents the harmonization logic from each source.
As can be seen from the table, there are in fact two fields that hold a certain connection: Exam ID and Exam Topic. The connection indicates that
where an Exam ID is found - a single Exam Topic value is associated with it.
The client has a requirement to be able to view measurements from all data sources sliced by Exam Topic values, as seen in the following
The client suggested to create, without any mapping manipulations, several patterns via the harmonization center that will generate two
Harmonized Dimensions:
Exam ID
Exam Topic
Given the above information, which statement is correct regarding the ability to implement this request with the above suggestion?
A technical architect is provided with the logic and Opportunity file shown below:
The opportunity status logic is as follows:
For the opportunity stages “Interest”, “Confirmed Interest” and “Registered”, the status should be “Open”.
For the opportunity stage “Closed”, the opportunity status should be closed Otherwise, return null for the opportunity status.
Given the above file and logic and assuming that the file is mapped in a generic data stream type with the following mapping
“Day” — Standard “Day” field
“Opportunity Key” > Main Generic Entity Key
“Opportunity Stage” + Generic Entity Key 2
A pivot table was created to present the count of opportunities in each stage. The pivot table is filtered on Jan 7th - 11th. Which option reflects the stage(s) the Opportunity key 123AA01 is associated with?
A client has integrated data from Facebook Ads. Twitter ads, and Google ads in marketing Cloud intelligence. For each data source, the source, the data follows a naming convensions as …
Facebook Ads Naming Convention - Campaign Name:
Twitter Ads Naming Convention- Media Buy Name
Google ads Naming Convention-Media Buy Name:
The client wants to harmonize their data on the common fields between these two platforms (i.e. Market and Objective) using the Harmonization Center. Given the above information, which statement is correct regarding the ability to implement this request?
wet Me - Given the above information, which statement i 's Correct regarding the ability to implement this request?
The following file was uploaded into Marketing Cloud Intelligence as a generic dataset type:
The mapping is as follows:
Day — Day
Web_site_source — Main Generic Entity Attribute 01
Page Views — Generic Metric 1
*Note that ‘web_site_key’ and ‘web_site_name’ are NOT mapped.
How many rows will be stored in Marketing Cloud Intelligence after the above file is ingested?
Aclient has integrated the following files:
File A:
File B:
The client would like to link the two files in order to view the two KPIs (‘Tasks Completed’ and ‘Tasks Assigned) alongside ‘Employee Name’ and/or
The client set the following properties:
+ File Ais set as the Parent data stream
* Both files were uploaded to a generic data stream type.
* Override Media Buy Hierarchies is checked for file A.
* The ‘Data Updates Permissions’ set for file B is ‘Update Attributes and Hierarchy’.
When filtering on the entire date range (1-30/8), and querying employee ID, Name and Squad with the two measurements - what will the result look like?
A technical architect is provided with the logic and Opportunity file shown below:
The opportunity status logic is as follows:
For the opportunity stages “Interest”, “Confirmed Interest” and “Registered”, the status should be “Open”.
For the opportunity stage “Closed”, the opportunity status should be closed.
Otherwise, return null for the opportunity status.
Given the above file and logic and assuming that the file is mapped in a GENERIC data stream type with the following mapping:
“Day” — Standard “Day” field
“Opportunity Key” > Main Generic Entity Key
“Opportunity Stage” — Generic Entity key 2
A pivot table was created to present the count of opportunities in each stage. The pivot table is filtered on Jan 7th-11th.Which option reflects the stage(s) the opportunity key 123AA01 is associated with?
Which two statements are correct regarding the Parent-Child configuration?
A technical architect is provided with the logic and Opportunity file shown below:
The opportunity status logic is as follows:
For the opportunity stages “Interest”, “Confirmed Interest” and “Registered”, the status should be “Open”.
For the opportunity stage “Closed”, the opportunity status should be closed.
Otherwise, return null for the opportunity status.
Given the above file and logic and assuming that the file is mapped in a GENERIC data stream type with the following mapping:
“Day” — Standard “Day” field
“Opportunity Key” > Main Generic Entity Key
“Opportunity Stage” — Generic Entity Key 2
“Opportunity Count” — Generic Custom Metric
A pivot table was created to present the count of opportunities in each stage. The pivot table is filtered on Jan 7th - 10th. How many different stages are presented in the table?
A client provides the following three files:
File A:
File B:
File C:
File A was uploaded using the Ads data stream type.
The client would like to create this view (data from Files B & C) in Datorama:
Which proposed solution would cause a false connection between the two files?