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ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Questions and Answers

Question # 6

During a second-party audit of a dairy farm (by a potential customer) complying with ISO 9001:2015, the auditor verifies that there is large variability in the daily production of the milking yard. The current agreement with their only customer is to provide 2,000 litres per day. However, in the last two years, they have noticed an increasing variability in daily production.

If they produce less than 2,000 litres, they are penalised with a fine of 1.5 pesos for every litre that they do not provide. If they produce more than 2,000 litres, they use the extra milk to feed the pigs.

This process has been in operation for decades. The dairy farm was founded by the grandfather of the current owners, who did not want to alter the established practices.

The auditor raises a nonconformity on the basis that the process is not under control (Clause 8.1).

If you had been the auditor, which one of the following actions would you have accepted?


Modify the contract with the current customer to provide them with only 1,500 litres of milk per day and make an agreement with a second customer.


Apply the existing process of addressing the risks and opportunities of milk production.


Retain the current contract and try to sell the occasional surplus milk to a second customer.


Analyse the daily dispatch of milk for 7 days to determine its variability.

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Question # 7

Even though past audits have highlighted a consistently large number of nonconformities within an organisation's design team, the organisation has not varied the frequency or duration of audits on its audit plan.

The decision for whether this situation is acceptable or not should be governed by which of the following?


A risk-based approach to the audit programme


The authority of the audit team leader


The availability of competent internal auditors


The organisation's reasoning behind the lack of change to the audit plan

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Question # 8

The following are stages of an audit, put them in the order they would be conducted.

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Question # 9

You are the supervisor in Production of a medium size manufacturing organisation. You are qualified as an internal auditor. The Quality Manager asks you to lead the next internal audit of Production and Logistics Dispatch. The audit team includes two other internal auditors.

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Question # 10

You are auditing an organisation that has been certificated to ISO 9001 for ten years. The organisation is a privately-owned, multi-site car tyre fitting

organisation. You are auditing one of the sites. You are auditing the car tyre fitting service. You are interviewing the Site Manager (SM).

You: "Would you explain the car tyre fitting service?"

SM: "Of course. Customers typically call us by phone with their requirements. We ask them what they want. We check whether we have the tyres

they need in stock. If we don't have the tyres in stock, we contact our supplier to confirm when they would be able to supply the tyres. We then

determine the cost. We then check what availability we have in our busy schedule to fit the new tyres. We then inform the customer with details of

cost and when we can fit the tyres. If the customer is happy to proceed with the booking, we update our Work Schedule. The same process applies

for customers who walk into our office and for online requests."

You: "What information do you retain should there be a defect reported by a manufacturer of tyres that you have fitted?"

SM: "We maintain records of customer names, addresses and contact phone numbers. We maintain a record of the type of tyre fitted and the tyre

manufacturers batch information. We also maintain a record of the registration numbers of the vehicles we have fitted tyres to. All records are in our

Work Schedule."

Which two of the following options you would take to enable you to gather further audit evidence to validate what the Site Manager

has told you?


Interview a customer to determine how satisfied they are with the service.


Interview a tyre fitter to determine how long they have worked for the organisation.


Interview a tyre fitter to determine the type and batch of each tyre fitted to a car.


Review the training record of the site manager.


Review the Work Schedule dated three years ago and verify what information has been recorded.


Review the Work Schedule for the past three weeks and verify what information has been recorded.

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Question # 11

In the context of a third-party certification audit, it is very important to have effective communication. Which is not the responsibility of the audit team leader?


If audit objectives are unattainable, reporting the reasons to the accreditation body.


Planning formal communication arrangements, so an auditee can communicate with the auditor any time during the audit.


Confirming formal communication channels between the audit team and the auditee during the opening meeting.


Communicating the progress, any significant findings and any concerns to the auditee and audit client, as appropriate.

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Question # 12

During the opening meeting of a third-party audit of a pharmaceutical organisation (CD9000) with seven COVID-19 testing laboratories in various terminals at a major international airport, you are asked if you could

visit all laboratories. As audit team leader you say that, based on sampling criteria, you had planned to audit only three of them as CD9000 is a multisite organisation.

They tell you that they have worked so hard to get ready for the audit that the supervisors of those laboratories that would not be visited would be quite disappointed.

The following are possible responses to the request, select the two best responses:


I could audit the other laboratories virtually at the end of this audit.


I could decide to extend the audit for an extra day.


I could try to revise the audit programme to see if I can audit all laboratories.


Sorry, this is the plan, we cannot change it. However, they could attend the audit as observers.


The programme manager has selected the sample and we must follow it.


We could stay every day for one hour longer to see those supervisors and their laboratories.

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Question # 13

Audit criteria are a set of requirements used as a reference against which objective evidence is compared.

Which two of the following are not potential audit criteria?


ISO management system standards


Verbal statements by the general manager


Verbal agreements with interested parties


Health and safety notices


Written agreements with interested parties


Commercial advertisements


Organisation's documented information

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Question # 14

Which two of the following are the key expected results of a quality management system that conforms to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015?


Decreased number of nonconforming products in all stages of the manufacturing cycle


Decreased number of management system nonconformities


Consistently provide products that meet customers' requirements


Increased profits


Decreased number of warranty claims


Enhanced customer satisfaction

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Question # 15

XYZ Corporation is an organisation that employs 100 people. As the audit team leader, you conduct a certification audit at Stage 1. When reviewing the quality management system (QMS), you find that the objectives have been defined by an external consultant using those of a competitor, but nothing is documented. The Quality Manager complains that this has created a lot of resistance to the QMS, and the Chief Executive is asking questions about how much it will cost.

Which two options describe the circumstances in which you could raise a nonconformity against clause 6.2 of ISO 9001?


The consultant has not interpreted ISO 9001 correctly.


Quality objectives were not established in alignment with the organisation's quality policy.


Quality objectives are not maintained as documented information.


Establishing quality objectives did not include top management.


The organisation cannot afford to undertake quality objectives all at once.


Quality objectives are not being implemented by the organisations' personnel.

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Question # 16

Match the process descriptions below to the process names:

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Question # 17

Which two of the following auditors would not participate in a first-party audit?


An auditor employed by an external consultancy organisation


An auditor from an interested party


An auditor trained in-house


An auditor trained in the IRCA scheme


An auditor certified by IRCA


An auditor from a customer

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Question # 18

You are leading a Stage 2 certification audit of a multi-site organisation and have received the audit schedule below;

Head Office and Site 1 - Day 1

Site 2 (150 Km from HQ) - Days 2 and 3

During Day 1 of the audit, the dient informs you that the laboratory at Site 2 has been dosed for decontamination due to a serious outbreak of an infectious disease among workers. In Site 2, all other functions could be audited as planned.

As the audit team leader, what would you do?

Choose the best acceptable action you could take:

® Ask the audit Programme Manager for direction.

Complete the audit on day 3 and report back to the certification body for a certification decision.

Continue the audit on days 2 and 3 and return later to audit the Site 2 laboratory.

Immediately cancel the audit since the audit plan cannot be completed.

Who has the responsibility for assigning work to the audit team?


The audit team leader


The audit team member


The auditee organisation


The certification body

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Question # 19

Knowledge and skills are requirements of the auditor's competence. Select two from the following topics of knowledge that apply to every member of an audit team auditing an ISO 9001 quality management system.


Requirements of ISO 9001


ISO 19011 Audit principles


Organisation's market sector


Organisation's invoicing and profits of the last 5 years


Organisation's processes


Requirements of auditee's interested parties other than customers

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Question # 20

An audit team of three people is conducting a Stage 2 audit to ISO 9001 of an engineering organisation that manufactures sacrificial anodes for the oil and gas industry in marine environments. These are aluminium products designed to prevent corrosion of submerged steel structures. You, as one of the auditors, find that the organisation has shipped anodes for Project DK in the Gulf of Mexico before the galvanic efficiency test results for the anodes have been fully analysed and reported as required by the customer. The Quality Manager explains that the Managing Director authorised the release of the anodes to avoid late delivery as penalties would be Imposed. The customer was not informed since the tests very rarely fall below the required efficiency. You raise a nonconformity against clause 8.6 of ISO 9001.

At the Closing meeting, the audit team leader presents the findings of the audit and comes to the above

nonconformity. The Quality Manager produces the test report for Project DK, which shows an acceptable galvanic efficiency, and presents an email from the customer confirming acceptance of the anodes. He asks that the nonconformity be withdrawn.

Which two of the following responses by the audit team leader would be acceptable?


Accept the Quality Manager's request without reviewing the documentation.


Advise management that the information provided will be reviewed at the audit follow-up stage.


Ask the auditor (you) who raised the issue, to state what you think should happen


Indicate that the nonconformity is evidence of a system failure that needs to be rectified.


Refuse to accept the documentation produced and maintain the nonconformity.


Thank the Quality Manager for his contribution but dismiss the information as irrelevant after a quick review.

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Question # 21

In the context of a management system audit, identify the sequence of a typical process for collecting and verifying information. The first one has been done for you.

To complete the sequence click on the blank section you want to complete so it is highlighted in red and then click on the applicable text from the options below. Alternatively, drag and drop the options to the appropriate blank section.

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Question # 22

You are carrying out an audit at a single-site organisation seeking certification to ISO 9001 for the first time. The organisation offers warehousing and export services to customers. Customers are invoiced for the time stock items are stored in the warehouse. Transport to and from the warehouse is controlled by the organisation and approved subcontract transport services are used. The organization does not have its own transport vehicles. Stock items are not purchased by the organisation.

You have gathered audit evidence as outlined in the table. Match the ISO 9001 Clause 8 extract to the audit evidence.

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Question # 23

During a third-party audit of a pharmaceutical organisation (CD9000) site of seven COVID-19 testing

laboratories in various terminals at a major international airport, you interview the CD 9000's General Manager (GM), who was accompanied by Jack, the legal compliance expert. Jack is acting as the guide in the absence of the Technical Manager due to him contracting COVID-19.

You: "What external and internal issues have been identified that could affect CD9000 and its quality

management system?"

GM: "Jack guided us on this. We identified issues like probable competition of another laboratory

organisation in the airport, legal requirements on COVID-19 continuously changing, the shortage of

competent laboratory analysists, the epidemic declining soon, shortage of chemicals for the analysis. It was

quite a good experience."

You: "Did you document these issues?"

GM: "No. Jack said that ISO 9001 does not require us to document these issues."

You: "How did you determine the risks associated with the issues and did you plan actions to address


GM: "I am not sure. The Technical Manager is responsible for this process. Jack may be able to answer this question in his absence."

Select two options for how you would respond to the General Manager's suggestion:


I would ask to audit the Technical Manager by phone.


I would ask for a different guide instead of the legal compliance expert.


I would look for evidence that the actions resulting from the risk assessment had been taken.


I would ask the consultant to leave the meeting since he is not an employee of the organisation.


I would delay the audit until the return of the technical manager


I would not accept the legal compliance expert answering the question.

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Question # 24

ABC is a fast food shop that receives orders by phone or the internet. The normal menu includes 15 different types of hamburgers; however, in the

last two days, due to a shortage of a special type of meat, they can only prepare six of the 15 varieties.

You are performing a third-party audit of ABC; you observed that the menu offering food on the website is still the normal one, with 15 different

hamburgers. During a 30-minute period, you observed several customers reluctantly accepting other than the hamburger they preferred. You decided

to raise the following nonconformity as follows:

"There is evidence that ABC has not reviewed the ability to provide customers the offered products".

The restaurant manager does not accept the nonconformity. She says that ABC had an extensive training programme for all personnel, which you have already seen when auditing Human Resources. This shortage of some hamburgers cannot be considered a management system failure.

Which one would be your answer from the following options?


I will maintain it open, and I will see what the Certification Body thinks about it.


I will raise it as a major nonconformity and, therefore, cannot recommend certification of the quality management system.


I will raise it as a minor nonconformity; you have the option to appeal to our Certification Body.


You are right, it is not a system failure. I will change the nonconformity to a recommendation, but it will be audited carefully next time.

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Question # 25

Below are four of the seven principles on which ISO 9000 series are based. Match a potential benefit to each of the quality management principles (QMP).

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Question # 26

You are carrying out an annual audit at an organisation that offers home security services. You are interviewing the Quality Manager (QM)

You: "Would you tell me about your management review process?"

QM: "The senior management team plans to review the management system every six months. The review follows a set agenda and records are maintained."

You: "May I see the records from the last two management reviews?"

Narrative: The Quality Manager gives you the latest record, which shows the last management review took place nine months ago.

The Quality Manager then gives you the previous management review record, which took place one year before the latest review.

You: "Are there any other review reports in the last two years?

QM: "No, these are the only ones."

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Question # 27

An internal auditor of a manufacturer of polystyrene packaging products for the electronics industry raised a nonconformity against

section 10.3 of ISO 9001 in Report IA202. The nonconformity (NC 3) stated:

"The reject rate of 'finished' product of 9.7% needs improvement as it doesn't meet the stated objective of top management of 5%."

Just before the Closing meeting of a third-party audit, the audit team leader is invited to a meeting with the Quality Manager. He tells

the audit team leader that a member of the audit team was seen taking photographs of the factory on his phone during the day and

wants him suspended from the Closing meeting with any nonconformities raised by him rescinded. The issue of photographs was not

discussed during the opening meeting.

Select the three options for how the audit team leader might deal with this situation.


Advise the Quality Manager that he, as audit team leader, needs to speak to the auditor about the situation and he will report back to the Quality Manager once this is done


Advise the Quality Manager that the auditor will be reported to Head Office


Apologise for the situation and ensure the Quality Manager that all photographs will be deleted during the Closing meeting


Delay the Closing meeting until the audit team leader has consulted his audit programme manager at Head Office


Insist that the nonconformities must stand since they have been agreed by the team from other evidence gathered


State that the auditor will take no further part in the audit and all his photographs will be deleted

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Question # 28

XYZ Corporation is an organisation that employs 100 people. As audit team leader, you are conducting a

certification audit at Stage 1. When reviewing the quality management system (QMS) documentation, you

find that quality objectives have been set for every employee in the organisation except top management.

The Quality Manager complains that this has created a lot of resistance to the QMS, and the Chief Executive

is asking questions about how much it will cost. He asks for your opinion on whether this is the correct

method of setting objectives.

Three months after Stage 1, you return to XYZ Corporation to conduct a Stage 2 certification audit as Audit

Team Leader with one other auditor. You find that the Quality Manager has cancelled the previous quality

objectives for all employees and replaced them with a single objective for himself. This states that "The

Quality Manager will drive multiple improvements in the QMS in the next year". The Quality Manager indicates

that this gives him the authority to issue instructions to department managers when quality improvement is

needed. He says that this approach has the full backing of senior management. He shows you the latest

Quality Improvement Request that was included in the last management review.

After further auditing, the issues below were found. Select two statements that apply to the term



No quality objectives planned for the top management team


Decisions on improvement action timescales not involving departmental managers.


Evaluation of the results of the improvement action not always documented by the Quality Manager.


Limited knowledge of the content of Quality Improvement Requests by departmental staff.


Quality improvements not aligning with the quality policy.


Top management claim not to be aware of the improvement request (QI/12/20/HR-3) initiated by the Quality Manager.

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Question # 29

Match the process descriptions below to the process names:

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Question # 30

A Health Trust has contracted with Servitup, a catering services organisation which has been certified to ISO 9001 for 1 year. It provides services to ten, small rural

hospitals in remote locations involving purchase and storage of dry goods and fresh produce, preparing meals and loading heated trolleys for ward service by hospital

staff. An auditor is conducting the first sole surveillance audit at one site with the Deputy Catering Manager (DCM).

At the closing meeting attended solely by the DCM, the auditor informs him that he has found numerous gaps in the QMS processes which lead him to consider

recommending suspension of the organisation's certification. He is particularly concerned with the evidence that patient health is being adversely affected by produce

stored beyond its safe consumption date, poor kitchen hygiene and undercooked meals. The DCM says that he cannot make any decisions about these issues in the

absence of the Catering Manager due to illness but will write everything down and report to the Catering Manager.

Which two actions should you take in the context of the audit?


Close the meeting immediately after the DCM's response and advise that the issues will be addressed at the next surveillance visit.


Call the individual(s) managing the audit programme to explain the situation and recommend immediate suspension of certification to protect the integrity of the Certification Body.


Continue with the meeting, present the audit conclusions and inform the DCM that the organisation will receive the audit report in due course.


Conclude the meeting early and advise that it will be rescheduled once the Catering Manager has returned to work.


Recommend that all personnel should be given urgent in-depth training in the QMS.


Thank the DCM for his time and express an expectation that improvements will be made in the QMS.

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Question # 31

You, as auditor, are in dialogue with the quality lead and managing director of a small business that supplies specialist laboratory equipment and furniture.

You: "I'd like to look at how you manage change in the organisation. What changes have you made as a

business, say, over the last 12 months?"

Auditee: "We have made some strategic changes, the main one being that we no longer manufacture our

own products in house."

You: "That sounds like quite a significant change. What has been the impact of that?"

Auditee: "We now mainly sell other manufacturers' products, under their brand names, and have outsourced

manufacture of our own brand products to one of our suppliers. Unfortunately, we had to make six members

of our staff redundant. This represents about 20% of our workforce, so this has been quite a challenging


You: "I'm sure. What were the reasons for making the change?"

Auditee: "Our manufacturing section was a small operation, and we struggled to cope with fluctuations in

demand. During busy periods, we found it hard to meet lead times, and in quiet periods we had staff with

little to do. This was having an impact on customer satisfaction and meant we had to charge premium prices

that made our product uncompetitive."

You: "How did you go about the change?"

The auditor asks to speak to the purchasing manager about the selection of the subcontractor to

manufacture the company's own brand products.

You: "How did you choose a supplier to manufacture your products?"

Auditee: "We have had a long-term relationship with a supplier ABC Ltd - we gave them our design

drawings, got them to complete a supplier questionnaire and run a couple of trial batches for us. We were

happy with the result and we have used them ever since."

ISO 9001:2015, clause 8.4.1 outlines situations when controls need to be applied to externally provided processes, products and services. Which one of the following situations is applicable to this scenario?


Products and services for which the customer(s) supplies materials


A process or part of a process is provided by an external provider as a result of a decision by the organisation.


Products and services are provided directly to the customer(s) by external providers on behalf of the organisation.


Raw materials from external providers are intended for incorporation into the organisation's own products.

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Question # 32

You are carrying out an annual audit at an organisation that has been certificated to ISO 9001 for two years. The organisation offers home security

services. The scope of the quality management system covers alarm installation, alarm servicing, alarm monitoring and response. The business

operates from a single office and employs subcontract installers and service technicians across the country.

You have just completed the opening meeting. You are interviewing the Managing Director (MD).

You: "I would like to gain an understanding of how the quality management system has been supporting your business and its strategic direction."

MD: "We are continuing to face difficult times. The market is extremely competitive, and customers typically look for the least expensive option when

choosing home security services. We have not yet seen any business benefit from our quality management system."

You: "Tell me how you determine external and internal issues."

MD: "We use SWOT analysis (Strengths Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)."

You: "How have the outputs from your SWOT been used?"

Select two of the following audit trails would you take to explore the extent to which the SWOT analysis and the outputs from this

have been used to enable the business to achieve the intended results(s) of its quality management system according to ISO 9001.


Establish how many interested parties need to be consulted


Establish how the organisation reviews information about external and internal issues


Establish how the organisation shares information with external interested parties


Establish what actions were taken to improve the QMS


Establish whether the SWOT analysis has been reviewed by the procurement manager


Establish whether the SWOT analysis is focussed solely on the QMS

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Question # 33

Which two of the following are included in the objectives of the 'Stage 1 initial certification audit'?


To evaluate the performance of monitoring and reviewing activities.


To evaluate the preparedness of the organisation for a Stage 2 audit.


To evaluate the internal audit and management review processes.


To review the quality manual.


To make a decision on certification to ISO 9001:2015.


To evaluate the operational processes of the organisation.

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Question # 34

You have been nominated audit team leader of a third-party audit. Which of the following could be the two most relevant objectives of this audit?


Evaluate the satisfaction interested parties


Evaluate the effectiveness of the management system


Identify the need of resources


Evaluate the capability of the management system to establish and achieve objectives


Identify opportunities for improvement


Evaluate the benefits obtained since the implementation of the management system

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Question # 35

XYZ Corporation is an organisation that employs 100 people. As the audit team leader, you are conducting a certification audit at Stage 1. When reviewing the quality management system (QMS)

documentation, you find that quality objectives have been set for every employee in the organisation except top management. The Quality Manager complains that this has created a lot of resistance

to the QMS, and the Chief Executive is asking questions about how much it will cost. He asks for your opinion on whether this is the correct method of setting objectives.

How would you respond with the following options? Select three.


Suggest asking the certification body for guidance on this matter.


Advise the Quality Manager to read the ISO 9001 standard and interpret in relation to the organisation's requirements.


Advise the Quality Manager that you will raise an opportunity for improvement if the quality objectives are not addressed properly.


Inform the Quality Manager that you will comment on the subject in your audit report.


Indicate that ISO 9001 requires a minimum of two quality objectives.


Suggest that all employees undertake a training course on ISO 9001.


Advise the Quality Manager that, as an auditor, you cannot provide advice to the organisation on how it should operate its QMS.

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Question # 36

Which one of the following options is the definition of the context of an organisation?


Combination of internal and external issues that can have an effect on an organisation's approach to developing and achieving its objectives.


Comparison of internal and external issues that can have an effect on an organisation's desire to achieve its objectives.


Complexity of internal and external issues that can have an effect on an organisation's approach to developing and achieving its purpose.


Coordination of internal and external issues that can have a positive or negative effect on an organisation's success.

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