If an attribute is named "TotalCount", OutSystems will automatically set its data type to ...
Style classes can be overriden, so if you have the same style class defined in a Web Block, a Screen, and the Theme, which definition is applied?
Considering the following Entities (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WsHUUMSgcx3NbwSMrshSTKe-SqnLCcRG/view?usp=sharing), what is required to create a many-to-many relationship between them?
Some widgets can trigger Screen Actions with Ajax. That can be defined in a section in their properties that is called ...
How would you change the following Aggregate (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1inmyBDK2wZlWDS-SzmSrzZ1B7gs6hlba/view?usp=sharing) to return the number of orders per priority?
Regarding Static Entities in Outsystems, select to statement that is true.
Which event is only available in Screen Aggregates and Data Actions and acts upon data fetched from the database or server.
Entities are created with a set of Entity Actions for CRUD operations, which ones?
Considering that we can add several filters to an Aggregate, which of the following options is false?
In Outsystems, the output parameters of a Consumed REST API Method cannot be mapped to...
When there is a change in the Producer module, which statement later about the Consumer module is correct.
Consider that we want to apply aggregation functions in an Aggregate. Which of the following options is false?
Considering the Function property in Client Actions, which of the following options is correct?
In the following scenario, we are implementing the ColorsDropdown widget (https://drive.google.com/file/d/109nu1A-BslkBff1G1BtfJaxnvCRkfNUA/view?usp=sharing) which will allow a user to select a color. What should be set in the Options Text property to make sure that the names of the colors appear in the dropdown?
The scope of Input Parameters and Local Variables is limited to the Screen where they are defined.