What does the following line of the sudo configuration file mean?
geeko ALL = /sbin/shutdown
You want to install the gvim RPM package that is available on the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation
Which command installs the gvim package, and resolves dependencies as needed?
What does the following sentence describe?
“Multiple file names referencing to the same inode.”
The useradd command is used to create new users.
Which file contains information on the primary group, shell, and other parameters to be used by useradd when
not specified on the command line?
Routes to the directly connected network are automatically set up when o device is started.
All other routes ore saved in which configuration file?
You need to find the files in the /etc directory that contain the word DocumentRoot in a terminal window.
Which command will help you find it?
You would like to run command2 only if command1 did not complete successfully.
Which command accomplishes this task?