An ArcGiS user is working with a composite address locator that consists of the following:
• Citywide Address Locator
• Regional Address Locator
• Nationwide Address Locator
How does a composite address locator work if no selection criteria are specified? (Choose two)
For a project, an ArcGlS user creates a custom user interface form to allow data entry and editing directly with the database. This form must be available within ArcMap and also as a stand-alone tool.
How can this custom form be made available within ArcMap?
An ArcGIS user is making a map showing the standard deviation from the mean ocean temperature. Which type of color ramp should be used to display the standard deviation?
A geosatabase designer has the following requirements regarding the display of city feature names in output map documents:
• The symbology needs to vary depending on city population size
• Names may not conflict with other text or features
• Rendering performance is a higher priority than database maintenance and editing simplicity Which design option should be used to meet these requirements?
An ArcGIS user finds consistently returned low matches tor addresses which refer to "River" abbreviated as "RVER". In order to improve their matches the "RVER" abbreviation needs to be added to the xml file in the geocoding rule base.
Which two tools can be used to ensure these changes will be reflected before performing a new geocode? {Choose two)
An ArcGIS user requests polygon parcel data to use in a model linking geoprocessing tools. The data the user receives covets the entire country and the large dataset causes the application to perform slowly.
How can the ArcGIS user improve the performance time without altering the model?
An ArcGlS user receives parcel data from the regional government, which is supposed to line up with parcels in the data maintained by the local government. The user is tasked with reconciling the discrepancies between the local and regional data.
In which situation are the parcel boundaries within the local data more likely to be accurate than the regional data?
An ArcGlS user decides to use labels in a map document because the annotation appears pixelated as the user zooms from the reference scale
What Is a potential effect of this decision?