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AHM-530 Questions and Answers

Question # 6

The following statements are about factors that health plans should consider as they develop provider networks in rural and urban markets. Three of the statements are true, and one of the statements is false. Select the answer choice that contains the FALSE statement.


Compared to providers in urban areas, providers in rural areas are less likely to offer discounts to health plans in exchange for directed patient volume.


In urban areas, limiting the number of specialists on a panel usually affects the network’s market appeal more than does limiting the number of primary care physicians.


The greatest opportunity to create competition in rural areas is among the specialty providers in other nearby communities.


Typically, hospital contracting is easier in urban areas than in rural areas.

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Question # 7

The following statement(s) can correctly be made about hospitalists.

1. The hospitalist’s main function is to coordinate diagnostic and treatment activities to ensure that the patient receives appropriate care while in the hospital.

2. The hospitalist’s role clearly supports the health plan concept of disease management.


Both 1 and 2


1 only


2 only


Neither 1 nor 2

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Question # 8

From the following answer choices, choose the type of clause or provision described in this situation.

The provider contract between Dr. Olin Norquist and the Granite Health Plan specifies a time period for the party who has breached the contract to remedy the problem and avoid termination of the contract.


Cure provision


Hold-harmless provision


Evergreen clause


Exculpation clause

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Question # 9

The Avignon Company discontinued its contract with a traditional indemnity insurer and contracted exclusively with the Minaret Health Plan to provide the sole healthcare plan to Avignon’s employees. By agreeing to an exclusive contract with Minaret, Avignon has entered into a type of healthcare contract known as


a carrier guarantee arrangement


open access


total replacement coverage


selective contract coverage

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Question # 10

With respect to hiring practices, one step that a health plan most likely can take to avoid violating the terms of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is to


Require a medical examination prior to accepting an application for employment


Include in the employment application questions pertaining to health status


Make a conditional offer of employment, and then require the candidate to have an examination prior to granting specific staff privileges


Require applicants to answer questions pertaining to the use of drugs and alcohol

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Question # 11

The Brice Health Plan submitted to Clarity Health Services a letter of intent indicating Brice’s desire to delegate its demand management function to Clarity. One true statement about this letter of intent is that it


creates a legally binding relationship between Brice and Clarity


most likely contains a confidentiality clause committing Brice and Clarity to maintain the confidentiality of documents reviewed and exchanged in the process


prohibits Clarity from performing similar delegation activities for other health plans


most likely contains a detailed description of the functions that Brice will delegate to Clarity

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Question # 12

The Athena Medical Group has purchased from the Corinthian Insurance Company individual stop-loss insurance coverage for primary and specialty care services with a $5,000 attachment point and 10 percent coinsurance. One of Athena’s patients accrued $8,000 of medical costs for primary and specialty care treatment. In this situation, Athena will be responsible for paying an amount equal to


$300, and Corinthian is obligated to reimburse Athena in the amount of $2,700


$2,700, and Corinthian is obligated to reimburse Athena in the amount of $5,300


$5,300, and Corinthian is obligated to reimburse Athena in the amount of $2,700


$7,700, and Corinthian is obligated to reimburse Athena in the amount of $300

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Question # 13

The following statements are about the negotiation process of provider contracting. Three of the statements are true and one of the statements is false. Select the answer choice containing the FALSE statement.


While preparing for negotiations, the health plan usually sends the provider an application to join the provider network, a list of credentialing requirements, and a copy of the proposed provider contract, which may or may not include the proposed reimbursement schedule.


In general, the ideal negotiating style for provider contracting is a collaborative approach.


Typically, the health plan and the provider negotiate the reimbursement arrangement between the parties before they negotiate the scope of services and the contract language.


The actual signing of the provider contract typically takes place after negotiations are completed.

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Question # 14

Although ambulatory payment classifications (APCs) bear some resemblance to diagnosis-related groups (DRGs), there are significant differences between APCs and DRGs. One of these differences is that APCs:


typically allow for the assignment of multiple classifications for an outpatient visit


always apply to a patient's entire hospital stay


typically serve as a payment system for inpatient services


typically include reimbursements for professional fees

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Question # 15

Reimbursement for prescription drugs and services in a third-party prescription drug plan typically follows one of two approaches: a reimbursement approach or a service approach. One true statement about these approaches is that:


Payments under the reimbursement method typically are not subject to any copayment or deductible requirements


Payments under the reimbursement approach are typically based on a structured reimbursement schedule rather than on usual, customary, and reasonable (UCR) charges


Most major medical plans follow a service approach


Most current health plan prescription drug plans are service plans

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Question # 16

Health plans can often reduce workers’ compensation costs by incorporating 24-hour coverage into their workers’ compensations programs. Twenty-four-hour coverage reduces costs by


Maximizing the effects of cost shifting


Eliminating the need for utilization management


Requiring members to use separate points of entry for job-related and non-job related services


Combining administrative services for workers’ compensation and non-workers’ compensation healthcare and disability coverage

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Question # 17

Dr. Ahmad Shah and Dr. Shantelle Owen provide primary care services to Medicare+Choice enrollees of health plans under the following physician incentive plans:

Dr. Shah receives $40 per enrollee per month for providing primary care and an additional $10 per enrollee per month if the cost of referral services falls below a specified level

Dr. Owen receives $30 per enrollee per month for providing primary care and an additional $15 per enrollee per month if the cost of referral services falls below a specified level

The use of a physician incentive plan creates substantial risk for


Both Dr. Shah and Dr. Owen


Dr. Shah only


Dr. Owen only


Neither Dr. Shah nor Dr. Owen

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Question # 18

The following statements describe two types of HMOs:

The Elm HMO requires its members to select a PCP but allows the members to go to any other provider on its panel without a referral from the PCP.

The Treble HMO does not require its members to select a PCP. Treble allows its members to go to any doctor, healthcare professional, or facility that is on its panel without a referral from a primary care doctor. However, care outside of Treble's network is not reimbursed unless the provider obtains advance approval from the HMO.

Both HMOs use delegation to transfer certain functions to other organizations. Following the guidelines established by the NCQA, Elm delegated its credentialing activities to the Newnan Group, and the agreement between Elm and Newnan lists the responsibilities of both parties under the agreement. Treble delegated utilization management (UM) to an IPA. The IPA then transferred the authority for case management to the Quest Group, an organization that specializes in case management.

Both HMOs also offer pharmacy benefits. Elm calculates its drug costs according to a pricing system that requires establishing a purchasing profile for each pharmacy and basing reimbursement on the profile. Treble and the Manor Pharmaceutical Group have an arrangement that requires the use of a typical maximum allowable cost (MAC) pricing system to calculate generic drug costs under Treble's pharmacy program. The following statements describe generic drugs prescribed for Treble plan members who are covered by Treble's pharmacy benefits:

The MAC list for Drug A specifies a cost of 12 cents per tablet, but Manor pays 14 cents per tablet for this drug.

The MAC list for Drug B specifies a cost of 7 cents per tablet, but Manor pays 5 cents per tablet for this drug.

The following statements can correctly be made about the reimbursement for Drugs A and B under the MAC pricing system:


Treble most likely is obligated to reimburse Manor 14 cents per tablet for Drug A.


Manor most likely is allowed to bill the subscriber 2 cents per tablet for Drug A.


Treble most likely is obligated to reimburse Manor 5 cents per tablet for Drug B.


All of the above statements are correct.

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Question # 19

Social health maintenance organizations (SHMOs) and Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) are federal programs designed to provide coordinated healthcare services to the elderly. Unlike PACE, SHMOs


are reimbursed solely through Medicaid programs


provide extensive long-term care


are reimbursed on a fee-for-service basis


limit benefits to a specified maximum amount

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Question # 20

A provider group purchased from an insurer individual stop-loss coverage for primary and specialty care services with an $8,000 attachment point and 10% coinsurance. If the group's accrued cost for the primary and specialty care treatment of one patient is $10,000, then the amount that the insurer would be responsible for reimbursing the provider group for these costs is:









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Question # 21

Martin Breslin, age 72 and permanently disabled, is classified as dually-eligible. This information indicates that Mr. Breslin qualifies for coverage by both


Medicare and private indemnity insurance, and Medicare provides primary coverage


Medicare and Medicaid, and Medicare provides primary coverage


Medicaid and private indemnity insurance, and Medicaid provides primary coverage


Medicare and Medicaid, and Medicaid provides primary coverage

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Question # 22

Dr. Leona Koenig removed the appendix of a plan member of the Helium health plan. In order to increase the level of reimbursement that she would receive from Helium, Dr. Koenig submitted to the health plan separate charges for the preoperative physical examination, the surgical procedure, and postoperative care. All of these charges should have been included in the code for the surgical procedure itself. Dr. Koenig's submission is a misuse of the coding system used by health plans and is an example of:




A wrap-around





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Question # 23

The Adobe Health Plan complies with all of the provisions of the Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act (NMHPA) of 1996. Kristen Netzger, an Adobe enrollee, was hospitalized for a cesarean delivery. Amy Davis, also an Adobe enrollee, was hospitalized for a normal delivery. From the following answer choices, select the response that indicates the minimum length of time for which Adobe, under NMHPA, most likely must provide benefits for the hospitalizations of Ms. Netzger and Ms. Davis.


Ms. Netzger = 48 hours

Ms. Davis = 48 hours


Ms. Netzger = 72 hours

Ms. Davis = 72 hours


Ms. Netzger = 96 hours

Ms. Davis = 48 hours


Ms. Netzger = 96 hours

Ms. Davis = 72 hours

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Question # 24

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (OBRA 1986) established the Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). One characteristic of the PACE programs is that:


They are available to United States citizens only after they reach age 65.


They have an upper dollar limit.


They receive a monthly capitation that is set at 100% of the Adjusted Average Per Capita Cost (AAPCC).


PACE providers receive capitated payments only through the PACE agreement.

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Question # 25

During the credentialing process, a health plan verifies the accuracy of information on a prospective network provider’s application. One true statement regarding this process is that the health plan


has a legal right to access a prospective provider’s confidential medical records at any time


must limit any evaluations of a prospective provider’s office to an assessment of quantitative factors, such as the number of double-booked appointments a physicianaccepts at the end of each day


is prohibited by law from conducting primary verification of such data as a prospective provider’s scope of medical malpractice insurance coverage and federal tax identification number


must complete the credentialing process before a provider signs the network contract or must include in the signed document a provision that the final contract is contingent upon the completion of the credentialing process

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Question # 26

Health plans often negotiate compensation arrangements that transfer some or all of the financial risk associated with delivering healthcare services to network providers. The following statements are about these compensation arrangements. Select the answer choice containing the correct statement.


A per diem system typically places a healthcare facility at risk for controlling utilization and costs internally.


One likely reason that an health plan would use a fee schedule system to compensate providers is that this system transfers most of the financial risk to the provider.


Under a salary system, a provider assumes no service risk.


The use of a FFS or a salary system allows an health plan to transfer a greater proportion of financial risk to providers than does the use of capitation.

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Question # 27

In 1996, Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which increased the continuity and portability of health insurance coverage. One statement that can correctly be made about HIPAA is that it


Applies to group health insurance plans only


Limits the length of a health plan’s pre-existing condition exclusion period for a previously covered individual to a maximum of six months after enrollment.


Guarantees access to healthcare coverage for small businesses and previously covered individuals who meet specified eligibility requirements.


Guarantees renewability of group and individual health coverage, provided the insureds are still in good health

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Question # 28

A provider contract describes the responsibilities of each party to the contract. These responsibilities can be divided into provider responsibilities, health plan responsibilities, and mutual obligations. Mutual obligations typically include


provisions for marketing the plan’s product


payment arrangements between the plan and the provider


verification of the plan’s eligibility to do business


management of the contents of members’ medical records

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Question # 29

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Managed Care Plan Network Adequacy Model Act defines specific adequacy and accessibility standards that health plans must meet. In addition, the Model Act requires health plans to


Hold plan members responsible for unreimbursed charges or unpaid claims


Allow providers to develop their own standards of care


Adhere to specified disclosure requirements related to provider contract termination


File written access plans and sample contracts with the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS)

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Question # 30

Determine whether the following statement is true or false:

The NCQA has established a Physician Organization Certification (POC) program for the purpose of certifying medical groups and independent practice associations for delegation of certain NCQA standards, including data collection and verification for credentialing and recredentialing.





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